Saturday, April 11, 2009

day 69-365, spent 3 hours drawing....loved it.

Originally uploaded by Olivia Williams Photography
For those who really know me well, you know how much I enjoy drawing. It is my first love. From way back when I was in the 5th grade drawing all the Disney characters for everyone, then there was my 8th grade year where I quit the band to join art class, followed by my 4 years of high school lugging around my huge cow print art folder from class to class, then finally my 2 years at the Art Institute where I kept an art journal that I drew in at least 5 times a day. If I just had an extra an hour or two a day I would sit and draw everyday, but being a Mother to 3 kids makes it hard to even get 30 minutes a day to draw. So sadly drawing is something that is often pushed back for another day. Today was that day for me. I did 4 loads of laundry the day before and ignored any house work that needed to be done, just so I could get an hour in of drawing. I sat down with my ipod, my project and a glass of water. I only stopped 3 times to be a referee in some of my kids arguments. By the time I looked at the clock 3 hours had passed. When I cleaned up I felt refreshed, like I did when my husband and I went away for the first time to the Dominican Republic. Amazing what art can do.